HomeCommunication Theory and SkillsTips for success in Group Discussion

Tips for success in Group Discussion


Discussion is an evaluation of the total personality of a candidate. The
evaluation includes knowledge, communication skills and leadership qualities.
There is a misunderstanding that one who speaks the most is a successful
candidate. On the other hand, he is considered as the person who tries to
prevail over the group discussion by hook or crook and gets selected. So it is
essential to understand and implement a few things for the success in a group
discussion as following:

1)  Assertiveness :

An assertive person is direct and honest. He does not hurt
self respect of others. On the other hand, an aggressive person may insult
others. Assertive behaviour is generally most effective. The participant can
use both language and body language to show his assertiveness.

Patient Listener

     Listening to others is a way of showing
appreciation. When somebody is speaking don’t ignore him or involve in other
activity which will show arrogance on your part. In fact, a group discussion is
an exercise in speaking and listening. We should not suppress others when they
are speaking. We should listen to them and when your turn comes then speak to
them convincingly.


     Language is made of words and words can
make friends or enemies of men. Though you disagree you should not lose your
temper. It will make you appear a rude person. If you want to interrupt
somebody it can be done politely. Disagreement can be shown politely and
softly. In short, we should form the habit to use the right word at the right

Analytical and Fact Oriented

It is essential to make relevant points that can be
supported by the facts and analyze logically. Vague arguments which can not be
explained or illustrated should be put forward. Exact facts and figures as well
as references impress people and help to get favourable response. In order to
develop this ability the participant should read newspaper, magazine and listen
to radio, T.V. news and discussion.

Accept Criticism

If any member of the group criticizes or disapproves any
point made by you then you should not get upset or reply sharply. Think about
the criticism positively and appreciate the criticism and thank the critic. If
it is unbearable them make the critic aware politely.

Maximum Participation

It is true that one who speaks the most is not always the
best candidate but one who doesn’t speak at all is not also good. In this case
if the participant is silent then he will be considered as the person having
the lack of initiative, information and communication. We should speak only
necessary things in the discussion. This ability can be developed through
discussion in a small group or friends.

Respect Others

     When some participant is speaking you
shouldn’t laugh or comment with other participant. A good candidate always
encourages the other members of the group. we should not fun of anybody for his
ignorance or drawbacks. Don’t try to show superiority of any kind and make
others feel inferior. The participant should remember that respect wins respect
so in group discussion it is essential to respect others.

Show Leadership Ability 

In group discussion leadership qualities are also evaluated.
It can be seen in the ability to persuade others. It is the human factor which
binds the group. in order to develop this quality you should participate in
small activities like picnic, excursions and sports and try to take the
responsibilities of organizing them.

Be precise

A group discussion has limited time. The discussion on the
given topic should be complete in that time. Some people have the bad habit of
beating about the bush or being verbose. It is essential to express precisely
and exactly.




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