


        Synonyms are the words having a similar meaning.  They belong to the same grammatical class.
However, there are no exact synonyms with identical meaning in English.

          Ex. Slay, kill, murder, execute,

     Although these words appear to be similar,
they have little differences in meaning as illustrated in the following examples.

was slain on the battlefield.
was killed in action.
was murdered in cold blood.
criminal was executed.
5. The sheep was slaughtered.


   abridge, shorten
Accomplish –   achieve, perform
Accomplish- fulfill
Actually- really
Adequate- enough
Adopt- accept
Agony- pain
Aid- help
Aids- tools, instruments
Almost- nearly
Ambiguous- vague, unclear
Ancient- old
Announce- declare
Annual- yearly
Anticipate- expect
Applaud- praise
Ascend –   rise, soar, climb
Aspect- dimension
Assessment- evaluation
Associate- relate
Attitude- view
Authentic- original
Autocrat –   disport, tyrant,
Avaricious –   greedy
Aversion   – dislike, antipathy
Awkward- odd
Barrier- obstacle
Betrothal- engagement
Bias   – prejudice
Bizarre- strange
Blatant- clear
Blend   – mix, mingle
Bondage   – slavery
Brisk   – vigorous, powerful
Budge- move
Cater- provide
Charming   – attractive
Check   – stop, restrain
Chop- cut
Commitment- dedication
Common- average
Commuter- traveler
Compel   – force, coerce
Conceal- hide
Condemn- blame
Confer   – grand, give
Confuse   – perplex, confound
Consent- agree
Consider- regard
Conspicuous- clear
Consumer- customer
Contemplate   – meditate, brood
Contest- competition
Country- nation
Courteous   – polite, modest, civil
Criterion- standards
Damp- wet
Decline- refuse
Degeneration   – deterioration
Demolish- destroy
Demonstrate- illustrate
Denotation- meaning
Depict- portray
Deplorable   – regrettable, lamentable
Desert- leave
Despise   – scorn, disdain
Destitute- poor
Dexterous   – skilful, clever
Disciple – follower
Discipline- subject
Dismal   – gloomy, sad
Disseminate- spread
Distinction- difference
Dizzy   – giddy, dazed, unsteady
Eccentric   – peculiar, odd
Efficient   – able, competent, active
Embarrassment- harassment
Emblem- symbol
Emphasis- stress
Emulation – competition
Encompass- cover
Endure   – suffer, tolerate
Enhance – increase
Enormous   – huge, big, large
Entire- complete
Estrangement- alienation
Eternal – timeless, perpetual,  ephemeral, immortal
Evidence- proof
Evoke- emerge
Expert   – skilful, adept
Explore – search
Expose- show
Familiar- known
Fascination- attraction
Fictional- imaginative
Final – last
Gentle – tender, mild, kind
Gigantic – huge, stupendous
Giggle – laugh, titter
Glorify – magnify
Gradually- slowly
Gratitude- indebtedness
Grave – serious, somber
Grave- serious
Hasty   – rash,
Hazardous – dangerous, risky
Hazardous- dangerous, risky
Heave   – lift, rise
Hinder   – obstruct, prevent
Hue-  colour
Humble – modest, poor
Illness – disease, malady
Implication- meaning
Important- significant
 Impudent – Impertinent, insolent
Incite – instigate, provoke
Indicate- show
Indignation- anger
Industrious – hard worker
Influence- impression
Initiate- begin
Instance- example
Intense- acute
Involve- include
Irritation – vexation, annoyance
Issue- subject
Jealous – envious, jeer, mock,
Just – fair, impartial
Juvenile – youthful
Keen   – sharp, acute
Keep- put
Keeper – custodian
Keepsake – memento, prize
Kind – benevolent
Laconic – brief, concise
Latent – dormant, hidden
Lenient – tolerant, gentle, mild
Liberate- free
Like- as
Liquor- wine
Loose – lax, negligent, careless
Magnificent – splendid, stately
Mandate- objective
Massive- huge
Melancholy- sad
Minute – minor
Miracle   – wonder
Miserly   – stingy
Mode- way
Modify- improve
Monster- demon
Motto- dictum
Mundane- physical, materialistic
Muster- gather
Naive   – artless, simple
Nasty   – filthy, dirty
Nightmare- evil dream
Norm   – standard
Notion- concept
Novice   – beginner
Objective- goal
Obscene   – indecent, filthy
Obstinate   – stubborn
Obvious   – clear, conspicuous
Occurrence – event, happening
Onslaught- attack
Ornament – adornment, jewel
Orthodox- traditional
Ostensibly – apparently
Pauper- beggar
Pause- stop
Penury- poverty
Permit- allow
Perpetual, ephemeral, immortal
Pious – religious, devout, godly
Pity- mercy
Play- drama
Pleasure- happiness
Plight- lot, destiny
Precise- short
Prime   – major
Profession- occupation
Profound- deep
Profusely- abundantly
Progeny – offspring, descendant
Promote- encourage
Prudent – discreet, wise,
Purpose- intention
Quake- shake
Quantum – amount, share
Queer – strange, eccentric
Quest – search, explore
Quite   – leave, depart  
Rare – scarce, infrequent
Raw- war
Rebuke- scold
Recipient- receiver
Recover – regain, retrieve
Reduce- lessen
Regain – recover
Region- area
Rely- depend
Render- make
Requisite- necessary
Restriction- limitation
Revenge – vengeance
Reverence – veneration, respect
Reverie- day-dream
Revive- renew
Rustic- rural
Sacred- holy
Salient- major
Savage – barbarous
Scold – rebuke
Seldom- hardly
Silent – quiet
Situation- condition
Smart- clever
Smash- destroy
Soar- fly
Solitary- lonely
Solitude – loneliness
Span- duration
Spend- waste, utilize
Spiritual- religious
Sport- game
Stable- constant
Stage- step
Stern – strict
Stimulate- motivate
Stroll- walk
Subject 1 – matter
Subject– people
Suitable- appropriate, apt, just
Summon- call
Superfluous – unnecessary
Therefore – so, hence
Thorough- quite, complete
Timid – shy, diffident
Transient- temporary
Triumph- win
Ubiquitous – omnipresent
Ultimate- final
Unique – unequalled, incomparable
Universal- global
Upright- honest, sincere
Usual – common, ordinary
Vacant – empty, void
Vague- unclear
Vain – fruitless, conceited
Valiant – brave
Various – several, many
Vigorous- powerful
Vogue- popular
Vulgar – coarse, indecent
Wane – decrease, decline
Wax – increase
Withstand – resist, oppose
Yearly – annual
Yearn – crave, desire
Yield – surrender
Zeal – enthusiasm, zest


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