How to Speak Effective English
How to Speak Idiomatic English
English Conversation Practice – 2
Speaking simple English is easy. But speaking effective English is quite difficult. You can’t leave a deep impression on the minds of the audience through simple English. If you want to impress the listeners, you must use effective English, which is possible through the use of ‘idioms’ and ‘phrases’. Here, our attempt is to teach our students Effective English. So, the learners must go through the following piece of conversation and try to memorise the idioms and phrases and also use them while speaking or writing in English.Â
Important Idioms & Phrases Used in the Conversation:
Bread and butter : living
To burn the midnight oil: to work hard
To kick the bucket : to pass away, to die
To look forward to : to await something eagerly
A piece of cake : something easily achieved
Here’s a conversation between Mandira and Anay using the given idioms:
Mandira: Hey Anay, how’s your new job going?
Anay: It’s my bread and butter now. I’m really enjoying it.
Mandira: That’s great! I’m sure you must be working hard. Are you burning the midnight oil?
Anay: Yeah, sometimes. But it’s worth it. I’m learning so much.
Mandira: I’m glad to hear that. By the way, how’s your grandfather doing? I heard he wasn’t well.
Anay: Unfortunately, he kicked the bucket last month. We’re all going to miss him.
Mandira: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. My condolences to your family.
Anay: Thanks, Mandira. But anyway, enough about that. I’m looking forward to this weekend. I have a party to attend and I’ve been told it’s going to be a piece of cake.
Mandira: Ha! Well, I hope you have fun then. You deserve it after all your hard work.
Anay: Thanks, Mandira. I will!