Home Basics of Spoken English Use of Tongue-twisters for Improving Spoken English

Use of Tongue-twisters for Improving Spoken English



Q. Write a note on the use of tongue twisters for
improving Spoken English.

Ans. Tongue twisters are a great tool for improving
spoken English. They are phrases or sentences that are difficult to say
correctly because they contain a series of similar sounds or words. The goal of
tongue twisters is to help learners improve their pronunciation, articulation,
and fluency.

One of the
benefits of practicing tongue twisters is that they can help learners develop
muscle memory in their mouths and tongues. By repeating the sounds and words in
a tongue twister, learners can train their mouths to produce the correct sounds
more easily and quickly.

Another benefit
of practicing tongue twisters is that they can help learners improve their
fluency and speed of speech. By repeating the phrases quickly and accurately,
learners can improve their ability to speak more fluently and confidently in

Tongue twisters
can be used as warm-up exercises before speaking activities or as a standalone
practice. They are also a fun way to practice with friends or in a group

Examples of tongue twisters include:


‘How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?’

‘She sells seashells by the seashore.’

‘Unique New York, unique New York.’

‘Red lorry, yellow lorry.’

Overall, the use
of tongue twisters can be a fun and effective way to improve spoken English.
Practicing tongue twisters regularly can help learners develop their
pronunciation, articulation, and fluency, ultimately helping them to speak more
confidently and clearly in their daily lives.



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