HomeBasics of Spoken EnglishDialogue Writing on 'Asking Time' in English

Dialogue Writing on ‘Asking Time’ in English

The Expressions used for Asking Time :

    There are several expressions that can be used for
asking the time in English. Some common ones include:


1.“Excuse me, do you have the time?”

2.“What time is it, please?”

3.“Can you tell me what time it is?”

4.“Do you know what time it is?”

5.“Sorry to bother you, but could you tell me
the time?”

It’s important to use polite language when asking
for the time, especially if you’re speaking to a stranger. It’s also a good
idea to say
“please” and “thank you” to show appreciation for the other person’s help.


    If you’re asking for more specific information,
such as the time of a specific event or when a transportation service is
arriving, you can modify these expressions accordingly.
For example:


1.“Excuse me, do you know when the next
train/bus is arriving?”

2.“Can you tell me what time the movie

3.“What time does the store close?”

4.“Do you happen to know when the concert

5.“Sorry to bother you, but could you tell me
when the next flight to New York is?”

Example : 1

Arush : Excuse me, do you have the time?

Himanshu : Sure, it’s 2:30 pm.

Arush : Thanks a lot. I’m trying to catch a train. Do you
know when the next one is?

Himanshu : I’m not sure. You can check the schedule on your
phone or at the station information desk.

Arush : Okay, I’ll do that. By the way, do you have the
correct time? My watch seems to be running slow.

Himanshu : Yes, I checked the time on my phone just a few
minutes ago. It should be accurate.

Arush : Thank you again. I appreciate your help.

Himanshu : No problem. Good luck with catching your train.

Example : 2

Swati : Excuse me, do you happen to have the time?

Sadhana : Yes, it’s 4:45 pm.

Swati : Thank you. I was wondering if you know when the
next bus is arriving?

Sadhana : Sorry, I’m not sure. You can check the bus schedule or ask at the
information desk over there.

Swati : Alright, I’ll do that. Also, do you think I have
enough time to grab a coffee before the bus arrives?

Sadhana : Hmm, I’m not sure. What time does your bus leave?

Swati : At 5:15 pm.

Sadhana : Then you should have plenty of time. The coffee shop is just around the

Swati : Great, thank you for your help!

Sadhana : No problem. Have a good day!



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