Home Add-on Course MCQs on Social Media

MCQs on Social Media


1. …………are the types of
Social Media useful for Communication.

a. WhatsApp

b. Facebook

c. Telegram

d. All of the above


2. WhatsApp needs……. for Communication.

a. Smart watch

b. Smartphone

c. Television

d. DVD


3. Facebook can be used for……

a. Online live communication

b. Offline live communication

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above


4……..is necessary for telegram.

a. Landline number

b. E-mail Id

c. Television

d. Mobile number


5. YouTube is an extension of……

a. WhatsApp

b. Telegram

c. Google

d. Firefox


6. Live broadcasting is possible on……

a. Facebook

b. YouTube

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above


7. Free version of Google Meet has limitation of……….
participants in meeting.

a. 100

b. 150

c. 200

d. 250


8. Zoom needs…….. for online meeting.

a. Smartphone

b. Internet

c. Zoom App

d. All of the above


9. Free version of Zoom can record………

a. only audio of the meeting

b. only video of the meeting

c. time of the meeting

d. both audio and video of the meeting.


10. We can record live meeting on…..

a. telegram

b. tweeter

c. WhatsApp

d. None of the above


11. The user needs…….to open new account on Facebook.

a. e-mail or mobile number

b. bank account number

c. Credit card number

d. All of the above


12. We can earn money through advertisements on……..

a. YouTube

b. Blogger

c. both a and b

d. Telegram


13………is an extension of Google.

a. Blogger

b. WhatsApp

c. Facebook

d. Instagram


14. ………….is one of the parts in Blog.

a. Header

b. Main content area

c. Footer

d. All of the above


15. ‘ .com’ is a……..

a. website

b. username

c. blog

d. domain name


16. ……..is/are playing a vital role for fast and easy
communication in education.

a. Vehicles

b. Planes 

c. Books

d. Social Media


17. …………emphasised significance of technology in

a. Modern Age

b. COVID-19

c. Books

d. Globalization

18. The full form of PPT is………

a. Presentation Power Point

b. Point Power Presentation

c. Power Point Presentation

d. Point to Point Presentation


19. Power Point Presentation is also known as………

a. Oral Presentation

b. Technical Presentation

c. Telescopic Presentation

d. Timeline Presentation


20. Power Point Presentation is a………communication

a. formal

b. unformal

c. Grapevine 

d. None of the above


21.The user must have…………to make Power Point Presentation effective.

a. knowledge of the topic

b. technical expertise 

c. Both a and b

d. Mobile number


22. ……..is commonly used in all the types of Power Point Presentation.

a. Title Slide

b. Slide of Data Analysis

c. Slide of Material and Method

d. Slide of Results


23. ……..comes at the end of Power Point Presentation.

a. Title Slide

b. Slide of Data Analysis

c. Slide of Material and Method

d. Parting Slide


24. Microsoft Teams is a collaboration app made for………..

a. hybrid work

b. only one type of work

c. for online meeting only

d. for software development


25. There is a facility of ‘Breakout Rooms’ in……..

a. Zoom App

b. MS Teams

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above


26. There is a facility of ‘Presentation’ in……..

a. Zoom App

b. Google Meet

c. MS Teams

d. All of the above.


27. We can chat in live meeting on…..

a. Zoom App

b. Google Meet

c. MS Teams

d. All of the above.


28. Blogger is…….

a. Online Content Management System

b. Offline Content Management System

c. Online Content Material System

d. Offline Content Material System


29. A user can have upto……….blogs per account.

a. 50

b. 75

c. 100

d. 200


30………is a messaging application.

a. WhatsApp

b. Blogger

c. Zoom

d. Instagram


31. ……….use/s internet to send messages.

a. WhatsApp

b. Telegram

c. Facebook Messenger 

d. All of the above


32. WhatsApp is owned by……..

a. Google

b. Microsoft

c. Instagram

d. Facebook


33. WhatsApp and Telegram can be used for……….purposes.

a. business

b. education 

c. dissemination of information

d. All of the above


34. …………emphasised significance of technology in education.

a. Modern Age

b. COVID-19

c. Books

d. Globalization

35………provides the facility of end-to-end encrypted chats.

a. Telegram

b. Blogger

c. Zoom

d. Instagram


36. There is a facility of Secret Chat in…….

a. WhatsApp

b. Telegram

c. Facebook Messenger 

d. All of the above


37. The user can create a group for posting messages in……..

a. Telegram

b. WhatsApp

c. Both a and b

d. Blogger


38. The user can create a public channel in………

a. WhatsApp

b. Facebook 

c. Blogger

d. Telegram


39. The blogger can earn money from………

a. its readers

b. advertisements

c. google

d. developers 

40. The YouTuber can earn money from………

a. its readers

b. advertisements

c. google

d. developers 



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