HomeCommunication Theory and SkillsTypes of Communication : Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Types of Communication : Verbal and Nonverbal Communication


 Types of Communication

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication


    Communication has various types which are made on
the basis of
context, direction/flow and method. These types are
discussed as under: 

 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication: 

The two types of communication – Verbal and Non-verbal
Communication are made on the basis of the
medium they use.

1) Verbal Communication: 

        The communication in which language is a medium is called verbal
communication.  Verbal Communication has two types – a) Oral
Communication and b) Written Communication.

 a) Oral Communication: 

        Oral Communication is a type of verbal  communication in
which language is used in spoken form.  Interview, group discussion,
conference, seminar, etc. are types of Oral Communication.

 b) Written Communication: 

       Written Communication is a type of verbal  communication
in which language is used in written form. Letter, notice, agenda, reports,
etc. are the types of Written Communication.

2)    Non-verbal Communication: 

    The communication in
which language is not used as a  medium is called Non-verbal
Communication. The mediums of communication in Non-verbal Communication are
body-language, sounds, images, symbols, colours, pictures, diagrams, etc.




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