Home Communication Theory and Skills How to Write Notice, Agenda and Minutes

How to Write Notice, Agenda and Minutes



    Before every meeting, a notice about it is given to every member of the board. It contains the following elements:

  • Name of the Board/Body
  • Date issuing the Notice
  • Venue/Place of Meeting
  • Day and Date of Meeting
  • Time of Meeting
  • Signatures and Names of Chairman and Secretary.

Essentials of Notice:

  • It should be in a formal style.
  • It should be simple, clear and precise.
  • Generally, passive voice is used while writing a notice.
  • There should be clear mention of venue/place, day and date and time of the meeting.
  • It should be properly signed by the chairman/president and secretary.
  • The chairman usually puts his signature at right side and the secretary at left side.
  • Agenda should be attached separately to the notice.
  • The notice should be sent to the members of the Board/Body at least 4 to 5 days before.



Write a notice of the Meeting of Students’ Union.

Example of a Notice on Letterhead:



    An Agenda is a list of the subjects to be discussed in the meeting. It is always attached to the notice and sent to the members of the board/body. In agenda, generally, the first two and the last two subjects are common for every meeting. Bullets or numbers should be used to highlight each subject/topic of discussion separately.


           Agenda of Meeting of Adarsh Students’ Union held on 13th July 2017 at 11.00 a.m. 

  • Apologies for the absence.
  • Minutes of the last meeting.
  • Electing a new president.
  • Discussion on the Strike against unjust fee hike by the university.
  • Any other business with the permission of the president.
  • Date of the next meeting.
  • Vote of thanks.



     Minutes are also called as a report of meeting. A report of meeting is important for maintaining the official record. It should contain nature and number of the meeting, name of the body whose meeting is held, daydate, time and venue/place of the meeting, members presentmembers absent, resolutions passed/decisions taken, signature of president and secretary. Generally, use of passive voice is made in the report writing. It is applicable to minutes also.
    Minutes of the meeting of N.S.S. department of NYNC College held on Monday 10.8.2019  at 10.00 am in Multi-purpose Hall.
1) The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed unanimously.


 Members Present:

1. Princ. Dr. K. D. Patil (Principal)

2.  Prof. Dr. M. D. Kale (NSS Programme Officer)

3. Dr. .S.R. Pawar (Asstt. PO)

4. Prof. Mrs. D.B. Sonar (Woman PO)

5. Prof. J. J. N. Shaikh

6. Shri. M. Aslam

7. Shri. A. R. Joshi.

 Members Absent: 

    The leave of absence was granted to the following members on their request:

1. Prof. Ashok Patil

2. Shri. U. B. Mali.

Resolutions Passed/Decisions Taken:

1) It was unanimously decided that the next N.S.S.  winter camp should
be held at Lonje. The duration of the camp will be from 10.9.2015  to

2) It was decided that a blood donation camp should be organized
on 22.8.2015 at 9.00 am by the N.S.S. volunteers in the college.

3) It was decided that cleaning of the ground of the college will be made
along with tree plantation on 23.8.2015 at 9.00 am.

4) It was decided that the students’ rally should be organized on 27.8.2015
on the issue of ‘water-conservation’. The route of the rally will be –
NYNC college-railway station-bus stop-market area and the college. The rally
will start at 8.00 am.

5) The vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Kumudini Patil, N.S.S.

                Sd/-                                                Sd/-        
    Prof. Dr. M. D. Kale                            Dr. K. D. Patil

(N.S.S. Programme Officer)                    (Principal)





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